Daily Prayer Guide for Summer Mission Trip


SATURDAY- July 15—Please pray for our travel day as 11 of us from the US join our Guyanese team of 5. Here is the list so you can pray for us by name:

Kay Jones

Sue Boehme

Hayley Hollier

Megan Tuttle

Sherry Ferguson

Yvonne Freeman

Kristi Buttles

Ned Lewis

Charles Hite

Steve Puckett

Beth Puckett

Jai and his wife Tracy


Michael and his wife Vanessa

We are to arrive in Georgetown, Guyana at 10:40 PM then go through customs and drive an hour to our hotel. Please pray for a good night’s sleep after a long travel day, especially for our Bluffton ladies who flew out of Savannah very early and their day was a lot longer than the rest of us.

SUNDAY—July 16 —We will spend some time doing a meet and greet with our Guyanese team. We will have our own church service with music led by Megan and Steve will bring a Bible lesson. We will have a wonderful time worshiping together and bonding as a team. Then we will head to Hauraruni Girls’ Home where we have worked many times. We will take a pizza lunch and spend time with them, encouraging them and their house mother and will play games and paint fingernails. Then it is back to the hotel where we will spend some time making bracelets in preparation for the next day. Every inmate and every child we interact with this week will get a bracelet with five beads on it. The colors represent the plan of salvation so we can refer to it when we talk to them. Here are what the colors stand for:

Black Bead- Represents the sin in our lives which we can’t get rid of on our own no matter how good we are.

Red Bead- Represents Jesus’ blood that He shed on the cross to pay the price for the sins of the world. Those who accept Him as Savior and receive the free gift of forgiveness are born into God’s family.

White Bead- Represents being clean in God’s sight. If we accept Jesus’ free gift and are forgiven, our sins are gone and God sees us as clean.

Yellow Bead- Represents the streets of gold in Heaven. That is where we will spend eternity if we have had our sins forgiven and are deemed clean by God.

Green Bead- Represents growth as a new believer. Just as grass and leaves are green and grow, we must grow as Christians so we can serve and tell others. We do that by studying the Bible, praying, hearing the Scriptures taught, encouraging other believers and sharing what happened to you with others who need to ask Jesus to be their Savior.

After we make bracelets, we will have dinner and then team time. This is when we take turns sharing testimonies with the team, either how we came to know Jesus or what He has been doing to grow us and use us. During the week, we will each have a time to share with the team.

MONDAY—July 17—We will have the same schedule each day except Tuesday and Friday. We will have team devotionals and work at the prison from 9:00-11:30. There we will greet the inmates as they come in and tie a bracelet on each of them. The new prison that has just been built houses about 1200 inmates. Each day, we will have about 200 come to a service. We will sing worship songs led by our Guyanese team then have special music by Megan. Charles will give his testimony about struggling with addiction and even jail and rehab. So many of the inmates will relate to him and be able to see the power of forgiveness and Charles’ life of effectively serving God after the years of bad choices.  Then either Jai or Alex will preach a short sermon and then Kristi will give her testimony, calling inmates to trust in God’s sovereignty in every situation. Then Jai will clearly explain the plan of salvation and explain baptism. We love to teach these men that even though they are behind bars, they can be spiritually free if they accept Jesus as their Savior and ask for his forgiveness and repent of their sins to have a new life as a part of God’s family.

After the service, each person on our team will sit across from a chair with a basin filled with water in front of us. They will bring the prisoners one at a time to sit with us and have his feet washed. We will have one on one conversations with them, answering questions they have about what they heard in the sermon and just listening to their hearts and encouraging them. This is where we use the bracelets to make the plan of salvation very simple for them. Some will have prayed the prayer asking for forgiveness during the service and others will want to do it with us if they make that decision after more discussion. Some aren’t interested and we respect that and just pray for them and show them that we care. We will then give each one new flip flops, toothbrushes and toothpaste and a Bible that holds a tract that again explains the plan of salvation. Those who choose to seriously study and learn more will be given one of the Bible studies that Kristi wrote. Our team will follow up closely with these men as they go back to this prison for services weekly even though it is about 2 hours drive from where they live.

For those who accept Jesus and want to be baptized, we use a baby pool or 55 gallon drum and have a time of baptism each day. We carefully explain that baptism doesn’t save anyone but is an outward symbol of what has already happened in their heart; when they prayed the prayer to accept Jesus and were forgiven, their sins were buried and they were raised to walk in their new life.

Each afternoon, after lunch, we will have some rest time, make more bracelets and place the tracts in the Bibles. We will have team time where we share testimonies, pray and share the events of the day. We will have dinner and play games or just visit.

TUESDAY—July 18—Today we  have the same schedule as yesterday except that after lunch, we will go to Mahican Girls’ Home where before covid, our team went weekly. This is the first time the government has given us permission to go back. Many of the girls will be thrilled to see the Guyanese team back. There are 40 girls here ranging in age from about 5-17. The girls have been abused at home or abandoned by parents. We will greet them warmly and try to establish a connection. (Many are very shy.) We will have fun songs with motions to get them engaged. Then Beth will teach a Bible story ending with the simple plan of salvation, using the bracelet colors to help them understand God’s plan off forgiveness. Then we will wash their feet and talk to them and pray for them. Please pray that God will open their eyes and hearts to His truth. It is such a joy to know that our Guyanese staff will be able to follow up with them often.

WEDNESDAY—July 19—-See schedule for Monday.

THURSDAY—July 20—See schedule for Monday.

FRIDAY—July 21—Today after devotions and breakfast, we will go to a church to do a children’s service. See Tuesday for what the schedule will be serving children in a church this time. We are thrilled to be sharing Christ with these children, never pushing them to make a decision but offering the answer to questions and praying for the needs they tell us about.

After lunch, we will have a little touring and shopping. Then it is back to the hotel for rest and team time before we go to our final dinner together at a special restaurant. There will will not only share a nice meal but each team member will take time to tell the team what there one or two most special moments were for the week. It is always a time of rejoicing, laughing and always some tears. Then we will go back for a time of packing and early bedtime because of a very early flight.

SATURDAY—July 22—Please pray for problem-free travel. We have to get up at about 3:30 AM for a 4:00 departure from the hotel. The airport is about an hour away and we have to be there 2 hours early for a 7:00 AM flight. We will look forward to getting back and sharing with you how God blessed the trip and changed lives. Thank you for praying for us.   

Reports on June Trips----Amazing

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus christ 

As you know we went to the jungle for our mission trip both teams are back safely the team that went to the savanna went to 2 villages and do 4 nights of celebrations crusade and had 126 person's give there life to Jesus christ 

And the team went to the rivers went to 3 villages and do 6 nights of celebrations crusade and 190 person's give there life to Jesus christ 

Thanks for your prayers and support God is doing great things in Guyana Thanks also for praying for Alex driving out big truck out on the trails for the first time he and the truck is out safely 

God bless you 


Prayer Request for June Trips

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus christ 

Our two teams are leaving early tomorrow morning for another trip to the jungle 

The team that going to the savanna will be going to 2 villages and do 4 nights of celebrations crusade then drive our big truck out witch with take about 2 days 

Please pray for Alex it will be his first experience driving out big truck on the trail 


The next team will be going to 3 villages in the rivers and do 6 nights of celebrations


Please pray for us as we travel on the road rivers and trail and for a harvest of souls 

God bless you 


May Report from River and Savanna Trips

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus christ 

Sorry for this late report butty email wasn't working as you know we were on a mission trip to the jungle both teams are back safely since Saturday 

Both teams went to three villages each and do six nights of celebrations crusade for the team in the savanna 187 person's give there life to Jesus christ and the team in the rivers 152 person's give there life to Jesus christ 

One of the village that I went to the first night of celebrations crusade more than 80 percentage of children come with out footwear One little boy about seven years old ware on a two different color girls flip flaps 

I just want to thank you for your prayers and support the harvest is still ripe in Guyana  and with your prayers and support we will continue to go and preach the gospel and win the lost for God kingdom 

God bless you 


Praise Report from April Trips

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus and 

As you know we were out on a mission trip to the jungle both teams are back safely from another great trip both teams went to 3 villages each and do 6 nights of celebrations crusade 

For The team in the savanna 268 person's give there life to Jesus christ and for the team in the river 123 person's give there life to Jesus christ 

Thanks for your prayers and support 

God bless you 


April Trips Prayer Request

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus christ 

The two teams are leaving for a week of mission trip to the jungle both teams with be going to 3 villages and do 6 nights of celebrations crusade 

I'm leaving this morning for the river villages and the other team are leaving tomorrow morning for the savanna 

Please pray for us as we travel for our safety on the roads boat and plane and also for a harvest of sols 

God bless you 


Results of Two March Trips, One to River and One to the Savanna

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus christ 

As you know we went on two mission trips, one to the river jungle and one to the savanna Both teams are back with great reports the team from the savanna went to 3 villages and do 6 nights of celebration crusade and 216 persons give there life to Jesus christ 

The team from the rivers witch is me and my wife also went to 3 villages and do 6 nights of celebration crusade and 147 persons give there life to Jesus christ 

I want to thank you for your prayer and support over the past year 

We would like to continue with the two teams but it would cost us $3500 more per month to do so 

So I'm asking you to continue to support our ministry in Guyana so that we can reach Guyana for Jesus christ 

God bless 


 —-Questions about giving, email Beth Puckett—bethwpuckett@gmail.com

Prayer Request for March Trips


Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ 

Me and my wife Tracy are in the ferry right now travelling to the river villages tomorrow morning Tony and Alex will be travelling to the savanna both teams will be going to three villages and do six nights of celebration crusade 

Please pray for us as we travel for our safety and for a harvest of sols

God bless you 


Steve's Report from the February Pastor Training Trip

We had a great week in Guyana with Jai, Tony and Alex (our Guyanese team) and Pastor Carl, Chase his intern and me.

We had a worship service in the prison on Monday with twenty-five men indicating that they accepted Christ. We distributed Bibles to the men that did not already have one. The Officer in Charge then took our team on a tour of the new prison that is being built to replace the one that burned in Georgetown several years ago. The new prison should be completed this calendar year. The Government had requested that our ministry build a Chapel at the new prison site. The Officer in Charge showed us the location for the chapel and it is in the center of the entire compound. The other chapel we built in the New Amsterdam Prison seats about 100 but the request is that this new prison chapel seat 300! We have already raised $10,000 for this project but that was when we thought it would  be a 100 seat chapel. We will have to reprice the materials needed. The labor to build the chapel will be provided by the prisoners. The chapel will be a concrete construction structure. Our team will use this new chapel three times per month for services.

Tuesday was a travel day. We took our 15 passenger van loaded with our supplies for the week and our temporary kitchen and headed out for the ferry. After about two hours we arrived at the terminal for the ferryboat and got in line to wait. The ferry was on time, amazing. We drove our van onto the ferry and had a two hour ride to our next offload point. Then we drove for another two hours to a marina in Charity where we met Rodney, our speedboat captain and his father. We loaded our gear and set off on a 4.5 hour speedboat ride. We went by river into the Atlantic Ocean and then back into the river system. Then we entered a creek that is is called The Ninety Nine because there are 99 turns until it merges back into another main river where our conference church was located. There are floating islands of vegetation along The Ninety Nine and sometimes they block travel and you have to force the boat though these passages. Other boats had already been on his passage and had cleared the way for us thankfully. We arrived at the Church and set up for our training sessions. There was no electricity at the site because the Chruch’s generator was on the blink. We had flashlights and and an LP two burner cooker (that Jai had made) and it worked great. Who needs electricity?

Wednesday morning we began the pastor training, three sessions each day. We had 35 people including our team of six, the 13 pastors and other leaders from the churches. Carl did a masterful job in teaching the pastors. We introduced them to the teaching aids from ICM and how they can be used in both small groups and worship services in their churches. To say they were excited would be an understatement. On Thursday, Chase taught them the three circles as a method of spreading the gospel and I taught them the five bead bracelet method we have historically used in Guyana. The pastors asked for the bracelets for their congregations so they can teach each member how to share their faith in their communities and we showed them how to download the three circle app for their smart phones. They are looking forward to training their members.

Friday Carl asked them about any issues or questions they had. Through this conversation we discovered that some of the churches did not have the Lord’s Supper (Communion) because they did not understand the significance and were concerned about the warnings in the New Testament about this ordinance in the church. Carl went thought the scriptures and taught them the background and explained the way this should be done with their congregations. We then had communion with loaf bread and orange drink. The video (I snuck and took it) of their prayers out loud confessing their sins was so moving. This was a real highlight of the trip.

The relationships being developed between our team and these pastors will pay significant benefits for the expansion of the Gospel in Guyana for years to come.

On Saturday, we repeated the trek back to Georgetown and returned home on Sunday.

I was thrilled to get to be with our Guyanese staff and see how dedicated and effective they are. It was the first time I had met Alex and am so thankful to have him as part of our team.

Thank you for praying for this trip. We are grateful for your partnership with God’s ministry in Guyana.


Prayer Guide for Pastor Training-July Trip

                                       PRAYER GUIDE FOR PASTOR TRAINING TRIP

                                                      FEBRUARY 12, 2023


…..Carl Martin

…..Chase Barbe

…..Steve Puckett


…..Jai Ramnauth

…..Tony Moniz

…..Alex Seunarine


Brother Karl  _  Arakata Village

Brother Basil _ 4 Miles Village

Brother Leo _ Quarry Village

Brother James _ Oriuck Village

Brother Philbert _ Grandfather Creek

Brother Clifford _ Canal Bank

Brother Philip _ Seibi Creek

Brother Festus _ Bush Mouth

Sister Carmen _ Unity Grant

Brother Kingsley  _ St John Wani

Brother Tyrone  _ First Lagoon Wani

Sister Rita _ Katcha kama Wini

Brother Vernon- Aruka Mouth

Sunday-February 12—Pray for travel mercies as our 3 travel to Miami and then on to Georgetown, Guyana. Arrival is nearly midnight and then there is customs. The hotel is about an hour away.Pray for good sleep.

Monday-February 13—The first ministry opportunity will be at the prison. There will be praise and worship service where Carl Martin will preach a message that will encourage believers and challenge those who haven’t made a decision for Christ yet. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to move in a powerful way. For any who accept Christ, baptism will be available if they choose to take that step.

Tuesday-February 14—All day travel day….Drive the van to the river and drive it onto the ferry….Ferry ride then get off and drive to Charity. Leave the van and load everything onto a boat…..Ride about four hours to the village. Have a great reunion with the pastors/leaders who had their first training in July. Everyone will sleep either in hammocks or air mattresses in the one room church.

Wednesday-Friday, 15-17—-Teaching will begin. There will be three sessions a day with lots of discussion and conversation. The teaching topics will include

***Life management (personal life)

***Conflict management

***Relationships- how to build, restore and maintain good relationships with the body of Christ

***Church Government

***Evangelism- how to effectively witness

***Financial —managing church finances

Please pray each day for the Holy Spirit to speak through Carl as he teaches and for Chase and Steve as they mentor and discuss the truths of the Word with these 13 very special leaders. Please also pray for fun and laughter to be a part of the time together.

There will be time to interact with the people in the village and to play with the children. Last July, friendships were forged within this group that were meaningful and ongoing. They continue to pray for each other and know that they have community within the group

Saturday-February 18—The pastors will travel back home, many having long journeys. Our team and staff will begin the long trek back by boat, road and ferry. Please pray for safety as the pastors and our team travel home.

Sunday— February 19—Travel back to the US.

One exciting development has to do with another ministry we have been able to partner with, International Cooperating Ministries (ICM). They provide wonderful, simple foundational Bible teaching that can be accessed on devises that they will provide for the pastors. They can be powered by solar energy. There are 90 lessons on the Old Testament, 90 lessons on the New  Testament, and lessons on Family Life and on the Sermon on the Mount. This wonderful ministry also helps locals build churches when needed. We are thrilled to be partnered with them as of last week. God’s timing continues to blow us away!!!

Thank you for praying….


WONDERFUL report from January trip

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our lord and savior Jesus christ 

We are back from our first trip for this year witch was a wonderful trip 

The first village we went to we do 2 nights of celebration crusade and 71 persons give there life to Jesus christ the second village 96 persons give there life to Jesus christ 

When we get to the third village on Saturday and do the first night celebration crusade 54 persons give there life to Jesus christ some one ask us if we can do a Sunday morning service at a secondary school  students from hundreds of miles away come to board since all villages just go through primary school.  when we get there it was over 365 students. we decided to cancel the Sunday night celebration crusade at the village and do an evening services at the school.  271 students give there life to Jesus christ 

We found out there is another training center for teenagers that didn't go to school but are training in a trade. they have over 150 students there witch we will go to next time we go back 

We didn't have any flip-flops and clothes to give them because we didn't know about these very big schools so then we go back we need some flip-flops and others stuff for them 

We need $2000 to buy those items to take in for both the school and the training center so I'm asking you if you can please give towards these great needs 

Thanks for your prayers and support great things are happening in Guyana 

God bless you 


From Beth----If God touches your heart to help us buy all these needed flip flops, please send a check to:

International Celebration Assn

62777 Carolina Commons Dr.

Ste 600, #135

Indian Land, SC 29707


Zelle to bethwp...@gmail.com

Thank you for helping us meet needs in Guyana, physical needs and more importantly, spiritual needs. We envision discipling these students and sending them back to their villages as disciples of Christ to serve and make a difference.

January Village Trip Prayer Request

Good evening ministry friends,

Jai's email isn't working so he asked me to write you and ask for prayer for this trip. They are leaving this evening to drive to Georgetown and then have a very early morning flight to the savanna. They will be going to three villages and do two nights of Celebration services at each. In the daytime, they will have a gathering for the people in the villages to give them used clothing, Bibles, flip flops and if they need them, reading glasses. Please pray for safety and for God to do a mighty work in these villages, drawing many to Himself.

These villages are twice as large as the river villages they have been working in so we need twice the amount of used clothes. Please let me know if you have some to donate and we can meet somewhere to collect them. Just respond to this email if you want to make arrangements to meet up.

Thank you all for your prayers and help in so many different ways.


Christmas Events were a Blessing

Hay ministry friends greetings and merry Christmas and a bless new year to you 

I just wanted to say thanks for your prayers and support true out this year it have been a wonderful year where we see a great harvest of souls and that was made possible because of your prayers and support 

As you know we was doing Christmas services in all the prisons and children home we just finished all our activities yesterday 

And 87 persons give there life to Jesus christ 

Thanks again and have a bless Christmas 


December Prayer Request for Christmas Activities

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our lord and savior Jesus christ 

We are starting some Christmas 🎄 activities and would like to share with you so you can pray for us 

This morning we are going to the newanserdam female prison 

Tomorrow we will be going to the newanserdam male prison 

Wednesday timehri  and and camp street prison 

Thursday holding bay and lusignan prison 

Friday mazaruni 2 prisons 

Saturday we are waiting for ok to go to the mahaica girls home 

Then on next week Tuesday we will be going to the hararuni girls home 

Please pray for all these activities and for a harvest of souls 

God bless you 


December Christmas Events Prayer Request

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our lord and savior Jesus christ 

We are starting some Christmas activities and would like to share with you so you can pray for us 

This morning we are going to the newanserdam female prison 

Tomorrow we will be going to the newanserdam male prison 

Wednesday timehri and and camp street prison 

Thursday holding bay and lusignan prison 

Friday mazaruni 2 prisons 

Saturday we are waiting for ok to go to the mahaica girls home 

Then on next week Tuesday we will be going to the hararuni girls home 

Please pray for all these activities and for a harvest of souls 

God bless you 


November Trip Report

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our lord and savior Jesus christ

We are back from another wonderful trip from the region 9 savanna

We went to 3 big villages with lots of people and the turnout was great and we do 6 nights of celebration crusade and 311 persons give there life to Jesus christ

This is a new region we started and it is the biggest region in Guyana and because it so big I can't tell you how much villages are there but it might take us about 3 years or more to cover that entire region

The harvest is ripe and ready and we will continue to go and preach the gospel and win the loss for God kingdom

Please continue to pray and support us so we can reach the entire Guyana with the gospel of Jesus christ

God bless you


November Trip Prayer Request

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our lord and savior Jesus christ

We are leaving today for another trip going to region 9 in the savannah region south toward Brazil we will be going to 3 villages and do 6 nights of celebration crusade

This is a new region we are going to and it's a very big region it may take us about 3 years to cover the entire region

So we load our big truck with 100 boxes 📦 of bibles and 84 boxes 📦 of clothes 3000 pairs of flip flops reading glasses 👓 study materials and other stuff and we will drive for about 22 hours to get where we are going a then we will leave the truck 🚚 there and fly in and out with plane

It can get dangerous on the trail if the rain 🌧 starts to fall our big truck 🚚 is not 4 well drive we do have a wench

So please pray for us as we travel that we will get where we are going safely pray also for a harvest of souls for God kingdom