February Trip Report

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Chris 

Thank you for praying for us during the week of ministry to the villages it was a great trip we went to 3 villages and do six nights of celebration crusade and three days children ministry165 person give there life to Jesus Chris we also went to the hararuni girls home and do ministry there

thanks to the buttels for being with us for  the week kristi buttles share her testimony in the three villages and it was a blessing Bruce buttles also don a wonderful job with the children telling the story about the three Hebrew boys 

While at the second village a young man who was a drugs dealer  name quami come with a high malaria fever and was sweating and he come for us to pray for him I was cooking so Bruce and Wayne pray for him and he got heel right there he come back that same night and give his life to Jesus Chris the next morning before we leave he come back for counceling 

Thanks for your prayers and support great thing are happening in guyana 
